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Can I Take My Pet On My International Move?

You may think you have all of your visas and accommodations set for your move abroad, but if you haven’t taken the necessary steps to secure your pet’s passage, then you could face major headaches on the trip.
Wednesday 2 July 2014

5 Ways to Say Goodbye to Your Home Before You Move

Leaving the home you grew up in is an emotional experience. Even if it isn't the house you grew up in, leaving it can feel like you’re leaving something more significant than four walls and a roof. To make the transition easier, here are some tips you apply to make the departure a happier one.
Wednesday 25 June 2014

4 Things You Should Never Put In Storage - Chess Moving

Many don’t realise there are limits to what you can keep in a storage unit. It might seem like the catch-all for your clutter during a move, but some items could pose a threat to your other possessions or become severely damaged themselves.
Wednesday 18 June 2014

The Benefits of Moving to Australia from America

While America is widely considered to be one of the best countries to live in, Australia actually provides a better lifestyle for its residents. From beautiful beaches, to a healthy lifestyle, to higher wages, to overall happiness - Australia really does have it all!
Thursday 13 February 2014

The Comprehensive Moving Interstate Checklist

It can be overwhelming to move within the same city, let alone to another state altogether. So to help you through the process, we've created the ultimate comprehensive checklist to make it a smoother, less stressful process!

Four Things to Ask an International Corporate Moving Company

International corporate relocation is far more simple and seamless when you enlist the help of an international moving company. When you're considering potential services to handle your move, you'll want to interview them carefully to find the one to best meet your needs. Here are four important things you should ask to aid your decision in picking an international moving company.

The International Moving Process

The thought of moving your entire household overseas can be very overwhelming, and most people acknowledge that it won't be a seamless process. But it can be if you're prepared. For those who are just beginning to consider their options for a move abroad, we put together this handy guide to the international moving process.

Tips for Finding a House Overseas Before Moving

If you're like many people, you may be unsure of precisely how to find apartments for rent or units and homes to purchase in your destination country. To help make the house-shopping or apartment-hunting process easier, here are seveb sources that can help you as you plan your move.

Using Money in the U.S.

If you're moving to the U.S. from Australia, it's good to have a working knowledge of the U.S. monetary system prior to your arrival. We've created this handy guide to American currency to teach you the basics.

Driving in the U.S. with an Australian License

In major cities like New York and Washington, D.C., public transportation systems are large and can help you get almost anywhere you need to go, but smaller cities often don't have mass transit systems, particularly in the suburbs. Because of this, it's important for you to learn the driving requirements for your new home prior to your move from Australia to the U.S.

Holidays in the UK

Getting ready for a move from Australia to the UK? Learning as much as you can about the culture before you go can help you get ready for your move and more seamlessly adjust to life abroad. An important part of the culture in the UK is the holiday system.

Signs and Symptoms of Culture Shock in Children

Culture shock is a natural part of the process of moving overseas, and it doesn't just affect adults. Children are just as susceptible to suffering from culture shock, but unfortunately, they are often unable to communicate how they are feeling, particularly if they're young.

Getting A Work Permit for Canada

Canada recently announced that they have expedited their immigration application review process and eliminated more than 40 per cent of their backlog of applications, which is good news for those moving from Australia to Canada.

Must-Have Supplies for Packing

It's important to plan ahead and ensure that you have all of the necessary supplies on hand, so that you can get the job done as quickly and efficiently as possible when the time comes.

Ways of Dealing with Culture Shock

As you adjust to life in your new country following an international move, you are likely to at some point experience culture shock, which is a psychological condition that occurs when one's surroundings suddenly change as a result of a move.

Bringing a Pet from Australia to the US

If you're moving to the United States and you have a cat or dog to bring along, it's important to understand the laws governing the importation of animals.

Requirements for a New Zealand Essential Skills Work Visa

If you have a job offer from an employer in New Zealand, you'll likely apply for a special type of work permit known as the Essential Skills visa. This visa is typically issued for 3 years at a time and is renewable; however, you and your employer must meet several requirements in order for you to qualify.

Moving Your Financial Accounts Overseas

The laws that govern banking and financial services vary widely from country to country, but there are some general steps you can take to make moving your bank accounts and other financial accounts easier.

About America’s Interstate Highways

The United States has more than 4 million miles of road that connects its cities and rural areas, and if you'll be travelling for business or pleasure, understanding the American highway system can help you get to where you're going safely and easily.

Should You Take Your Furniture When You Move Overseas?

There are many decisions that you'll need to make when you're getting ready to move abroad. Of the many choices that await you, deciding what to do with your furniture can be one of the most difficult.
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