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FAQs About Moving Insurance




In both overseas and domestic moves, one of the most important things that is all too often overlooked is moving insurance . Many homeowners aren't even aware that moving insurance exists, and those that do often have misconceptions about what protection is available during their move. To help spread the word about moving insurance, we've compiled this handy list of frequently asked questions about the policies.

What Is Moving Insurance?

Moving insurance is similar to other types of insurance policies with which you are likely familiar. Like a car or homeowner's policy, a moving insurance policy helps protect you from the costs associated with loss or damage. If your belongings become damaged during your move, the insurance policy provides you with money that can be used to replace them. Unlike other types of insurance policies, moving insurance typically requires you to pay just one premium.

Why Do I Need Moving Insurance?

Even if you hire a professional moving company with an excellent reputation, accidents can occur. Anything from dropping an item to an auto collision can result in damage to your possessions. If an accident occurs, the moving company is only responsible for paying a fixed rate, which may or may or may not cover the full cost of replacing your possessions. Also, many homeowner’s insurance policies do not cover items in transit during a move.

How Much Does Moving Insurance Cost?

The rates for moving insurance can vary widely from family to family; however, in all cases, the cost of the insurance is a mere fraction of the total value of your belongings.

Where Can I Get Moving Insurance?

Moving insurance is available through both independent dealers and moving companies. Here at Chess Moving, we offer affordable policies for both local and international moves and can help you determine what type of coverage is best for you. Contact us today to learn more.



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