Chess Moving can advise you on the best way to apply for government funds when moving to another region, state or territory within Australia. This money can be spent on rent, bills and other expenses, including removalist costs!

It can be difficult to find work, especially in light of high unemployment rates in Australia.
But don’t be disheartened, sometimes it takes a change of scenery to bring about the solution. You might find the perfect opportunity in another region or state.
If you’re thinking of making the bold decision to pack up your life and move for work, you may be eligible for government assistance. This can make a world of difference, by providing the funds needed to help you settle into your new city or town.
There are a few options that could be suitable for you.
Job seekers
If you’re an eligible job seeker, the Australian government can help if you apply for assistance before you move and start work. This money can be used to pay part of your rent, bills, removalist and travel costs, as well as some expenses related to your new job.
This could be the perfect option if:
- You’re registered as a job seeker with a jobactive provider
- You’re participating in Disability Employment Services
- You’ve been receiving an eligible income support payment for the last 12 months (such as Newstart, Youth Allowance or Parenting)
- You have mutual obligation requirements
Although this assistance applies to any location within Australia, if you’re moving to a capital city, your current location must have a higher unemployment rate than where you’re going.
If you’re planning to move within your current region, your new location must be at least 90 minutes away from your current home.
As long as you meet these criteria, you can get relocation assistance for any ongoing suitable job or apprenticeship.
How much assistance will you get?
This depends on your individual circumstances and where you’re moving to.
Are you thinking of relocating to a capital city? You could receive up to $3000.
If you’re planning on embracing the green pastures and crisp air of regional life, you could get more assistance (up to $6000).
And there could be an extra $3000 to pocket if you’re taking your dependent children with you (to cover costs such as initial schooling fees).
Relocation funding for people with a disability
If you have a disability and you’re planning to move interstate, you may be able to get assistance through the National Interstate Portability Protocol. This is for people who receive disability support from a state or territory government (instead of the NDIS).
It’s worth finding out if you’re eligible, because this can help you access disability services after you move. Support could include disability service registration and a transfer of funds between the relevant states and territories.
You can get more information from the state or territory that you’re currently living in:
South Australia
Western Australia
Northern Territory
If you’re registered with the NDIS, your arrangements will continue even if you move interstate (contact your NDIS planner for more information).
Getting relocation assistance can minimise a lot of the stress that often goes hand in hand with moving to another region, state or territory.
Contact Chess Moving for more information about how we can make moving easier for you.