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Moving to a New Home: 4 Must-Have Items

Settling into your new home is stressful enough without having your essential items on hand. To make your transition easier and safer, we’ve highlighted our top four items that every household should have on hand for a happier relocation, preferably in their own container labelled “Essential Items.”

1. First Aid Kit

Injury and minor accidents are not uncommon during household moves. If you own a First Aid Kit, be sure to place it in your essential items container for fast access.

Most leading brands of First Aid Kits should include:

  • Adhesive bandages
  • Antiseptic wipes
  • Aspirin
  • Antibiotic ointment
  • Tweezers
  • Gauze
  • Cold compress

If you do not have a First Aid Kit, be sure to purchase one that is listed on the Australian Register of Therapeutic Goods.

2. Sports and Water

Moving heavy furniture is a dehydrating activity, no matter what time of year. Keeping plenty of sports drinks and water on hand to help you stay hydrated. Choose a sport drink that has plenty of electrolytes to replace what you lose while sweating.

3. Disposable Plates and Cutlery

Disposable Cutlery

Whether you hire professional movers or convince your friends to help, you'll need food to keep the team charged throughout the day. Pizza is a great option while moving - you've likely packed all your kitchenware and will be too physically exhausted to cook during a move. Ordering pizza after you're moved as a reward for your friends is always welcome. 

Moving is a good time to pick up some paper plates, napkins, and plastic utensils. Buy these prior to packing away your kitchen to use throughout the move, as it will probably be some time before you unpack your kitchen supplies, clean and able to cook on your new stovetop. 

4. Toilet Paper

One of the most yearned for item during a relocation. Keep a couple of rolls on hand in both your existing home, and your new destination home. If you have multiple bathrooms, be sure to equip each with some toilet paper to avoid being caught out. Anyone helping you with the move will also appreciate your foresight.

Other items to include in your essential items box:

  • Medical records in case of emergency
  • Utility records to assist in the setup of the new home
  • Mobile phone chargers to stay connected

If you have more contributions to this list that you found helpful during your move, share them in the comments below.


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