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How to Create a Moving Schedule to Simplify Your Move

Couple in New Home

Whether you're moving across the world or just across town, the relocation process can easily become complicated and stressful. To ease the chaos and transition smoothly to your new place, draft a moving schedule to keep things on track.

8 Weeks before the Move: Get Organised

This is the time to get ahead of the game. Set up a notebook where you can keep track of your appointments, to-do lists, and research the area you're moving to. Keep the notebook close so you can jot things down as they come to mind. 

One of the most important sections of the notebook is the budget. List what you plan to spend money on, including moving supplies, moving services, and any fees you may have to pay when you arrive at your new location.

6 Weeks before the Move: Start Setting Up

Once you know your future address, you can start transferring your information. Notify your monthly subscriptions of where you'll go. Call the local utility companies to make sure you'll have power, water, and other services once you arrive.

5 Weeks before the Move: Plan How You Are Going to Move

This step in the moving process is one of the most important, since it deals with the methods you'll use to get your belongings from your old place to your new one. Source moving quotes and look into asking your friends if you can borrow their large vehicles, or if have time to help you on the big day.

4 Weeks before the Move: Clean and Collect

Start getting rid of excess furniture, clothes, kitchen supplies, and that pile of mysterious junk that ended up in your garage. The fewer boxes you have to pack for your move, the better.

This is also a time to start gathering supplies. Collect boxes and packing materials. Make sure you have plenty of tape and some permanent markers to label boxes. Bear in mind that moving company boxes are easier to stack and often sturdier than the freebie boxes you might acquire from retailers.

2 Weeks before the Move: Start Packing

Put anything you won't need in the near future into boxes and make sure the boxes have clear labels. Double check any attic or basement areas for items so you don't accidentally leave keepsakes behind. Consider packing your plates and bowls at this point and switching to disposable items. Filling boxes up clears space so you can start doing a deep clean of your home.

2 Days Before the Move: Take Care of the Final Details

The last couple of days before you relocate are some of the busiest. Pack everything you can, leaving only the bare essentials for your family to use before the move. Call your moving company to confirm your arrangements. Finish cleaning your home, including carpets, curtains, behind the stove, etc. Prepare a box or two with necessary items that'll come in handy during the move. 

Moving is often a hectic process. The farther you go, the more complicated it can become. However, with a good schedule, you can make sure that things go as smoothly as possible.


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