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Four Things to Ask an International Corporate Moving Company

International corporate relocation is far more simple and seamless when you enlist the help of an international moving company. When you're considering potential services to handle your move, you'll want to interview them carefully to find the one to best meet your needs. Here are four important things you should ask to aid your decision in picking an international moving company.

1. How many corporate international moves have you handled?

Corporate relocations are very different to residential relocations, and you'll want to choose a company that has extensive experience meeting the needs of organisations that are moving abroad.

2. Do you have an office in our destination country or are you part of a global network?

International moving companies can handle relocations in three ways: through their own branch office in another country, through partner companies that participate in a network, or by enlisting the help of an international company on a case-by-case basis. Only the first two options are truly ideal. A company that partners with another based on a short-term contract may not have the same quality standards as your international moving company here in Australia.

3. Will I have one point of contact if I choose your company?

There are many different aspects of international corporate relocations, and often, large moving companies will delegate tasks to multiple personnel. Even if this is the case, you shouldn't be expected to have to speak to multiple people when you have questions or concerns. Select a company that will assign a moving expert to you and coordinate the efforts of the others working behind the scenes.

4. Do you offer human resources support?

Moving a company often means moving employees, and the concerns that arise from having many different employees preparing for a move abroad can overwhelm your in-house human resources professionals. Look for an international moving company that provides support for your HR team to ensure that employee morale remains high throughout the relocation.

Chess Moving are International Moving Experts

Chess Moving has helped hundreds of companies relocate abroad and is a proud member of the worldwide removal organisation Unigroup Worldwide UTS, giving us partners in locations around the globe. We'll assign your project to a moving specialist and can provide full HR support as needed. Contact us today for more information.


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