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Escape to the country: moving from the city to the bush

With rising rents and house prices in the city, more and more Australians are escaping to nearby smaller towns and commuting in each day or, where possible, seeking work out in the small towns that scatter our burnt nation’s countryside. They often cite looking for a slower pace of life or better quality of living for their children when making the move, but it often isn’t always as easy as packing up and skipping town. Unlike moving to another capital city, where things are much the same, small town moves can be a bit of a shock to the system, especially when you suddenly realise that Sunday is still a scared day of rest where shops are shut so locals can enjoy their day and all you want is a litre of milk! So what should you consider before skipping town?
Friday 7 October 2016

Settling into a new culture

The idea of moving to a country with a different culture sounds appealing and exciting. From the fascinating sights to tourist-like involvement with the new culture, who wouldn’t be intrigued? However, once the honeymoon phase is over and you’re done with the exploration you might be hit with the focus on the contrasting cultures with the stereotypes and prejudices, small problems might seem overwhelming, as well as that sudden wash of homesickness.
Friday 23 September 2016

Moving during the school term vs the holidays

Moving during the school holidays may seem like the right way to go: the kids are home from school so they can help pack and they can take their time getting comfortable in their new home at their own pace, but does that make it the right choice for your family? We look at why you should consider moving during a less conventional time of year and why it might be worth trying to move during the middle of a school term.
Friday 16 September 2016

Recycling after your move

Moving can feel incredibly wasteful with all the paper, bubble wrap and boxes that end up in the tip outside, not to mention the sheer amount of junk you end up chucking both before and after the move in an attempt to purge yourself of clutter. In the rush to get the move over and done with, you can quickly find yourself chucking everything in the tip, even items that could otherwise be recycled or re-homed without much extra fuss. In light of this, we’ve come up with a quick guide to help you move without having to hire a massive skip at either end of the big day.
Friday 2 September 2016

Moving from high summer to deep winter (and vice versa)

Moving across the world is a shock to the system in so many ways: new currency, new time zones, new languages and new supermarkets to navigate... It’s exciting and frustrating and rewarding, but it’s also almost always the complete opposite weather from where you came. Acclimatising to a new climate can take time, and it will definitely hit your wallet if you’re not making smart adjustments or preparing for
Friday 19 August 2016

Will My Items Pass Through Quarantine?

Australia has some of the world’s strictest quarantine laws, so by moving away from it you’re automatically moving to a country that is far more relaxed when it comes to quarantine and customs laws. However, there are definitely still a few things you may not have thought of, so we’ve compiled a shortlist of items you may want to reconsider before packing...
Friday 22 July 2016

Moving To A Country Where You Don't Know The Language

Moving overseas for a career, relationship or just an adventure can be daunting, but moving to a country where you have limited or even zero grasp of the local language can cause others to question your sanity. While you might have the good fortune of your company speaking English on a daily basis and English may well remain your language spoken at home, limiting yourself will make it harder to assimilate, navigate the local landscape and cause barriers in making friends or setting up bank and utility accounts.
Friday 8 July 2016

Moving To England

The United Kingdom might be the motherland and the home of some of the very best Indian food you’ll ever eat, but it’s still on the other side of the world and unfortunately, moving there as a fully fledged adult just isn’t as easy as it was during your backpacker days when all you needed was a warm coat, one pair of jeans that you never washed and enough change for a week’s worth of instant noodles to get you by.
Friday 24 June 2016

How to downsize

Whether the last of your children are finally moving out or you’re just sick and tired of trying to maintain a large home, downsizing your property is all part and parcel of growing older. Ridding yourself of the excess baggage of a large property can be freeing, especially if you also gain apartment amenities such as a pool or gym in the process, but it isn’t as cut and dry as selling your old home and buying a smaller one. Where do you begin?
Friday 10 June 2016

Moving to the United States

It’s the land of the free, home of the brave and a country that prides itself on endless opportunity for those who work hard, but it’s also a notoriously difficult country to move to, so we’ve made a check list of things you should make sure you’re completely across before you start your new life in the United States of America.
Friday 27 May 2016

Tips For Packing And Moving Fragile Items

Moving house can be stressful enough without worrying about breakages during transit. Here are our top tips for ensuring your valuables survive moving day.
Friday 29 April 2016

8 Unpacking Tips To Settle In Smoothly

Congratulations, you’re finally in your new place. Moving house is one thing – but getting settled in quickly and easily is another. Surrounded by boxes and simply don’t know where to start? Our expert team at Chess moving share their top moving tips for a stress-free first few days in your new home.
Friday 15 April 2016

6 Ways to Prepare Your Child for Moving

Each child will understand moving houses differently. For some, the promise of their own bedroom might be enough to have them packing their bags, while for other kids, the process of moving will be daunting. Whatever the case, here are 6 ways you can prepare your child – and yourself – for relocation.
Friday 1 April 2016

Apartment To Home: 6 Tips For Upsizing

Rooms can look pretty bare when you make the move from apartment living to your first home. Filling up a large new space can seem daunting, but these tips will help you upsize like a pro.
Friday 4 March 2016

Moving In High Summer

Moving house at any time of the year can be a massive burden, not to mention a sweaty, exhausting exercise in heavy lifting and laps both across the properties as well as across the city. In summer when a heatwave hits, that feeling multiplies, with the red face and sweaty armpits developing much faster than they do in the cooler months. Because your body has to work harder in summer to stay cool, it’s important to take precautions to the added challenges of a summer move...
Friday 19 February 2016

7 Tips For Packing Your Car On Moving Day

Most of your household items will travel to your new home in your moving truck, but it's smart to take select possessions in your car. This article will help you understand which items deserve a place in your car and how to pack them better.
Friday 5 February 2016

7 Tips For Getting Your Bond Back

Most renters pay the equivalent of four weeks rent in bond at the start of their tenancy. This amount of money is retained by the landlord or property manager and returned if the property is left in good condition. Receiving your bond back in full can be a great way to offset your moving expenses. These tips can give you the best chance of receiving your bond back once you vacate your rental property.
Friday 22 January 2016

How To Prepare Your Pets For An International Move

Preparing for an international move takes considerable time and effort. There are the practical matters to take care of as well as the emotional needs of every member of your family. While you're worrying about the things that will concern the humans in your brood, it's easy to forget about plans for the furry, feathered, or scaly members of your household. Remember to cross these important items off your checklist to prepare your pets to move overseas.
Friday 8 January 2016

10 Tips for Preparing to Move to a Foreign Country - Chess Moving

Moving abroad might seem like a daunting challenge, but if you are reading this, you have probably already made the first big step of making this life-changing decision. Whether you are moving abroad for work reasons or simply to get a change of scene, relocating to a foreign country and becoming surrounded by an unfamiliar culture requires a great deal of preparation, particularly if you have a family. These tips will help you to make sure that you have everything covered before setting off.
Friday 25 December 2015

6 Tips for Moving Around School Holidays

Many families choose to move house during the school holidays. It allows children to settle in before the start of a new term, and makes it easier for all members of the family to pitch in with the move. However, since it’s such a popular choice, moving during this busy time requires careful planning. Keep the following tips in mind to enjoy the easiest, most stress-free holiday move.
Friday 11 December 2015
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